Friday, December 13, 2013

Peacock Box

In my last post I said I wasn't sure what my next project would be.  Here is what I decided to do.  I had this box base coated in black and looked at it for a while trying to get a vision on what to paint on it when suddenly I thought of a peacock.  I keep an "idea" file on my computer and pulled up the one on peacocks and looked at peacock paintings I did in the past to give me an idea of how to draw one for the box.  I thought it would look good to have his tail droop over the front of the box.  I sketched out the pattern on tracing paper and transferred it to the box.  It only took me a half hour to paint the peacock and maybe another 20 minutes to free hand the design on the sides.  Sometimes it takes longer to prep a piece and make a decision on the pattern and then draw and transfer the pattern than it takes for the actual painting.  That is what happened in this case.  As soon as the paint was dry I applied the polycrylic then relized I hadn't taken a photo of the box with just the flat paint.  I had to wait until the polycrylic dried until I took the photo.  That is why there is a reflection on the box.  You can still get a pretty good idea of what the finished painting looks like.  I will take the box to the SAAG Gallery tomorrow.  I am ready to go back to my shop and paint something else but like before, I don't know what I will do. Guess I'll just go poke around in my collection of objects and see what strikes my fancy to paint on.  Once that decision is made I'll have to think of what to paint on it.  As always, I'll post a photo once it is done.

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