Monday, May 31, 2010

The Dot Lady

As you can see I changed the format of my blog again. Now that I finished my latest painting I have a little time to play with this blog. I chose this dot background because almost every painting I create has dots incorporated in it in one way or another from just a subtle use in the pistil of a flower to the decorative touch in my boarders. I choose to use painted boarders in my art instead of mats. You may notice in some of my works I allow the subject of the painting to overflow the boarder. I think it adds perspective to the painting. But, I digress....My point was dots. People are fascinated by them, about how precise and how many of them are in a painting. They want to know how I do them. My secret is first measure and mark where each one will be placed then using a high tech tool to execute them. It is called a toothpick! I am beginning to be called "The Dot Lady".


Unknown said...

I'm enjoying keeping in touch via your blog - and seeing your latest works of art! Great work, Dot Lady!

Pam Davidson said...

Glad you are enjoying it. Did you see the post on May 17? That is the painting I did for you. Although I must tell you I have someone coming tomorrow who is interested in a desert scene. If they like this one I will sell it to them and do another for you if that is okay. Lauren sent me pictures of the installed window. It looks great!