It has been over three weeks since my last post. I finished two paintings and a domino train station since then. I also have been under the weather with the flu. The paintings were done before I got sick but I decided to wait to do a post until after the opening reception at the Carnegie Center for the Arts Regional Show which was last Sunday. On Monday I woke up with the flu and had no ambition to do anything except lay on the couch and watch Netflix. It is now Friday and I am feeling much better so decided to do this post now.
I'll start with the paintings. The first is one that I started last year then set aside to work on the Surreal Saguaro painting that I featured in the last post. Here is what I had completed when I stopped working on it.
It sat for over a month before I finally got back to it. Here is the finished painting which I titled "Butterfly Garden".
My next piece was a special order domino train station for someone who winters in FL and wanted one featuring flamingos.
I then decided to do another version of "Peek-a-boo Kitty" because I sold the first one the day after I painted it. It was bought at the Three Rivers Artist Guild Holiday Show by a couple who said it reminded them of their kitty. Since it was so cute I painted another one.
I did not win a award at the Carnegie Show this year but was honored that all three of my entries were accepted. Here are photos of me with each of the paintings.
I also wanted to mention that my grand-daughter Samantha has a painting hanging in a show at the Open Door Gallery in Sturgis, MI. Here is Sam and her tiger painting.
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