Monday, July 2, 2018

My last post from Three Rivers, MI

A week from today we will be in NC closing on our townhouse.  It will be the beginning of our new adventure.  Since my last post we have been busy packing everything we own and also getting rid of things that we felt it was time to part with.  We are ready for the movers to come this Thursday, July 5 and we will leave on July 7 to head south to our new home. 

Our three years in Michigan has been quality time spent with family.  We have enjoyed every minute of our life here.  We have made friends through bowling, the art community and church.  We will miss all of them and expect to have them come visit us in NC.  Hopefully we will make new friends in our new community through the same places.  We also plan to join the senior center. 

We have enjoyed our home here.  Our biggest "hobby" has been remodeling the house.  We had such fun doing every project.  Since we got married 58 years ago we have owned 4 houses and remodeled each one of them.  We loved those houses but never looked backed as we moved on to the next one.  We will say good-by to this house and wish good luck to the people who will live here next as we head down the road to our new townhouse with ideas for what we will do to it.

There is one thing I will miss that I have here and that is my LARGE art studio.  Having a basement allowed for Roger and I to have space to spread out as we worked on our art.  We will have to get creative in how to utilize smaller areas that we will be using for our studios.  I am sure we are up to the challenge.  Here is a photo of my now empty art studio.

I created a lot of art here.  I am going to post photos of some of my favorite MI paintings.

These are only a few of the paintings I did while living in MI.  If you go through my older blog posts you can see all of my MI work and if you go back even farther you will see all of my AZ work.  It make take a few weeks or even a month or so before I am able to set up my new studio and start work on my North Carolina collection of paintings.

In the mean time, as  soon as we get our computers set up and have wi-fi, I will start posting photos of our new home.

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