The time since the Sun City Art Festival has been very relaxing for me. I unpacked and rearranged both my home gallery and shop. I took some days off from painting. I felt refreshed and ready to get back to work. I had four commissioned jobs that I got at the festival. Three were for domino train stations and 1 was for an 11X14 painting. I finished them today and am ready to call the clients for pick up. Here are photos of the completed projects.
The train station orders were for a gecko on black, pots and plant on orange and three brown dachshunds on yellow. I have painted the first two subjects many times but I had never painted a dachshund before. I did some internet research to make sure I had them correct. I think they are cute little critters. Hopefully they will meet the customer's expectations.
I also had to do a painting. The customer liked my painting titled "Phantom Herd". She owns a palomino horse named Pal. What she wanted was something similar to "Phantom Herd" but featuring only a palomino. Here is a photo of each painting.
"Phantom Herd" |
Now that I have all my commissions done I am free to paint whatever I want. I'm debating on what project I want to do next. I have a couple of small things that I had base coated for the festival but didn't have time to finish so think I will complete those first. Then I may tackle a table and chair that I bought at a yard sales back in April. I have been putting that job off in order to paint things that I knew would sell at the festival. Now might be the time paint the table and chair!
Holidazzle will be opening on November 14. That is a six week show put on by SAAG. I'll post more information about it next week.
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