Thursday, October 24, 2013

Very Productive Day!

I had a full day at home yesterday.  I started painting at around 8 in the morning and worked until 8 in the evening with a number of breaks to eat and relax.  I accomplished a lot.  The first project was a re-do.  By that I mean I took something I had painted about a year ago that hadn't sold and painted out the subject matter and did a whole new painting of a new subject. In the photo below you will see a rustic round tray painted with a day of the dead skull which is what I changed. This picture also shows a couple of other items that I did last year and sold.
Because this tray was so rustic looking I decided to do something that would compliment the long rustic tray that is featured in my last post.  Here is what I came up with.

My next project was to complete two chili pepper cutting boards.  I had sold all I had on hand and needed more for the up coming art festival. 
Between working on these items I also prepped other things so that I have something ready to work on the next day. I then got a call from the SAAG Gallery telling me I had sold a couple of items and to bring in something to replace them.  Since one of the items was a day of the dead skull and it is that time of year and I had another one already painted I decided that is what I would take.  While the skull was done I did not have a stand to put it on so I took the time to paint one.  I kept it with gold dots which would go good with the glittery gold skull. 

After dinner I spent some time painting this cigar box that I got from an artist friend that I recently met while working the gallery.  She told me about a smoke shop that will sell the empty boxes at a good price.  I will go there soon to check out what they have.  Since the Sun City Art Festival is before Thanksgiving I decide to paint a pot, plants and pumpkin painting.  I sold the last one that I did shortly after I showed it at the gallery.
I got lots of work done yesterday but today is a different story.  I was gone all morning and into the afternoon and haven't done anything yet but am heading to my shop as soon as I finish this post.  Hopefully I will have something to show tomorrow!                               

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