What is this all about ? Why a photo of an audio book on an art blog?
I am a great multi-tasker. I listen to books on CDs while I paint.
I just finished this one at the same time I finished my latest painting.
It is not ready to post yet because I still have to apply the polycrylic but you will see it soon.
If you want a preview look at the top left hand corner in the photo below and you will see a tiny portion of it. Click on the photo to make it bigger.

This bowl was on the counter when I took the photo of the CD so I decided to include it in this post. This is the type of painting I used to do before I converted to fine art. I called it functional art. I painted on objects like boxes, trays, bowls and furniture. Since we never stray far from our roots when I find something too good to pass up at a garage sale I will buy it and paint it to take to an arts and craft fair. If you look below you will see what it looked like when I bought it.
I will sell it for $65.
A great garage sale find.
I got this large bowl and a smaller one just like it that I will paint for the art fair I do in the fall.
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