Things have been busy here as we prepare for our grand-daughter Samantha's wedding which will happen on November 1. The wedding will be in Waynesville, NC and she and Andrew will be living in Spartenburg, SC. The wedding will be small with only immediate family members for a total of 15 people. Because of COVID we will wear masks and social distance.
Sam has lived with us for about 15 months and has accumulated a lot of stuff including furniture. For that reason we took a trip to Spartenburg a few weeks ago to take a load of her things to their new apartment. We still have another car load to take a couple of weeks after the wedding.
Sam is making all her flower arrangements and bouquet which made me think of all the flower paintings I have done over the years. Since one of my favorite things to paint is roses I decided to post photos of many of the rose paintings I have done in the past.
I will start with one of my personal favorite paintings which is appropriately titled "I Love to Paint Roses". This painting was sold at an art show in Tucson.
My most popular rose painting is "Endless Rose". I have done many versions of this painting and everyone has sold. This is the first version that I painted. I had no idea of how many times I would paint this large red rose when I painted it for the first time.
Here are four more paintings featuring roses that sold at art shows. The first two I did in Tucson and have a Mexican vibe. The first is titled "Red Roses in Talavera Vase".
It sold at an art fair to a couple who had bought other paintings from me in the past. I decided to do another version of this painting to enter in an art competition but changed the rose color to white. I won third place with this painting titled "White Roses in Talavera Vase". This painting sold in Michigan to a fellow artist who is an art collector.
I did this cross painting featuring roses titled "In the Garden" and sold it at an art fair in Tucson.

This next painting was done in MI during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is titled "Hope for a Cure". It sold at a gallery show.
While in Tucson I had a couple of commissions for paintings that featured roses. The first is a large painting that a friend had me do for her bedroom. It is called "Appreciation of Friendship".
The other commissioned painting was done for Trina who bought many paintings from me over the years I lived it Tucson. We became friends because of my art. I titled it "Trina's Flowers".
I did a number of rose paintings that I gave as gifts. The first one was done for our grand-daughter Laura and her husband Patrick. They were into a wine theme and she sent me photos of wine bottles that they liked and I came up with this painting titled "Wine and Roses". It is also one of my favorite paintings that I have done.
Our son Brian and wife Sarah requested a painting of a certain size to cover an electric panel in a room in their apartment. I came up with this which I called "Rose Trio".
I did another painting at the request of Brian and Sarah but now that I think of it, I was going to gift it to them but they insisted on paying me for it. This painting has special meaning to our family. Our daughter Sharon, who passed away, loved yellow roses so I did a painting of them in memory of her. I'm not sure what happened to the first version of the painting. I may have sold it or gifted it to someone (my memory fails me). I will have to go through old records to see if I can find out what happened to it. Anyway, I did this version for Brian and Sarah titled "Roses for Sharon".

This next painting was not exactly a gift but was a barter situation. There is a B& B in Tucson called The Royal Elizabeth. A ladies group that I belonged to took a tour of the place and I took a photo of the wall paper in one of the rooms and did a painting based on that wall paper titled "Royal Elizabeth Rose". I showed it to the owners and said I would give it to them in exchange for a night in the B&B they agreed. The bonus to them was that some friends of ours decided to book a night there at the same time. We had a fun time with our friends at the B&B that weekend!
I have two rose paintings that I have hanging in my house. I did the first on in years ago in Tucson that I hung in my master bath, then in Michigan I had it in my guest bath and now here in NC I have it in my master bath again. It is one of the first large rose paintings I did. I call it "Ala Georgia O'Keeffe".
The last painting I am showing is one that I did in Michigan. I showed it there but it did not sell so I brought it with me when I moved to NC. When we renovated our powder room I decided it would look good hanging there. It is titled "Radiant Roses".
The gold frame did not go with the color scheme of the room so I painted it silver. Here is the painting hanging in the powder room in the silver frame.
I have done many more rose paintings both on canvas and on craft items, too many to show in this post. I hope you have enjoyed seeing those that I did post.
My next post will be about the wedding and about our next home improvement projects which will include the master bedroom and bath. When that is done we will do our stairway and loft area. We love our home improvement projects as much as I love to paint roses!