Two posts ago I told you I was almost done with a large 24X24 painting when I decided I did not like it. Since I wasn't happy with it I decided to paint it out with black paint and start over with a new idea. In my last post I told you what my new idea was and that I had started working on developing that idea. That was on Thursday. I continued to work on the painting yesterday and had it finished by last night. This morning I applied the polycrylic , made the back of the art box neat looking by painting it, and attaching the hanging wire and name tags. Finally I took photos of the completed painting which I titled "Masquerade". Can you guess why I gave it that name?

Not everyone sees it at first glance but if you study the painting you will see what inspired the name. I know this is not my usual style of subject matter but I've done so many doodles while traveling this year I decided to do a painting based on one of the doodles. Here is the doodle that gave me the idea for this painting.

Funny how I worked so long on that first painting then whipped this one out in such a short time period. Every so often you hear of an old master painting being x-rayed and another painting is found underneath. I doubt that this painting will ever be x-rayed and I'm not sure that the original painting could be seen because I obliterated it with black paint before I painted it over. I wonder if I should have set the original painting aside and finished it at a later date but if I had done that would I every had the idea for this one? I am glad I went with my gut feeling and did what I did. I am happy with the new creation and will show it when the opportunity presents itself and see what the public thinks.
I am ready to go back to painting what I am comfortable with.....southwest whimsy and lots of bright colors.