I have been working on getting better photos of my paintings. I do not use a flash but still get a reflection along the top of the photo from the overhead fluorescent light. My husband thought if we changed to a different kind of bulb that has a softer tone it might work. I tried it with a number of paintings and the top reflection is softer but some of them had a very yellow cast to them and others had a more normal look but were a little fuzzy. These two have the correct color but the fuzzy look. I think I am going to go back to the fluorescent bulb and rig up something to deflect the light away from the top of the painting to prevent the reflection. In the past I managed a photography studio and I remember the umbrellas we had in the camera room for that purpose. That is what I have in mind to try. Anyway these are my two newest painting. They are 9" square.

I am ready to start a new painting but am having a hard time deciding what I want to paint. I am not going through an artistic block but more of an artistic overload. I have so many ideas tossing around in my head that I don't know what I want to do next. I also have so many frames in all sizes and many functional items that I collected at yard sales that I can't decide what to work on next. I have a table and chair, bowls, trays, 32 domino train stations and many other items. What do I do next? I'm not sure so keep watch for my next post to find out.