Monday, July 25, 2016

Paintings featuring a flower, abstract and quilt pattern.

I completed three new paintings since my last post.  The first was another in the "Study in Patchwork" series.  This one is #3.  I decided to do it to show at the Vicksburg Cultural Arts Center.  I love the one I did for myself and have had lots of good comments from people who have visited my home.  Here is the latest version.  The size on this one is 27X27.
As I was working on the patchwork painting I had time to start another painting while I waited for the taped off sections to dry.  I had a beautiful gold and green frame that I had gotten on one of my yard sale shopping sprees.  I put a blank canvas in it and after staring at it for awhile I saw a flower emerge in my mind.  I sponged on a pastel base coat then did my drawing of a magnolia on paper and transferred it onto the canvas.  Once the patchwork painting was done I started work on painting the magnolia.  The size of this painting is 13X15.  I call it simply "Magnolia".
While I was working on the magnolia painting I suddenly had the urge to do an abstract piece so I stopped work on it and gave into my urge and did "Blue on Blue".  I can do an abstract in a short period or time.....just a few hours.  I did this one on a 20X20 canvas box which I base coated in various shades of blue and purple.  I had some bottles of texture paint that I have had for awhile but had never opened so now was the time to put them to use.  I drizzled them onto the base coat in a random pattern.  Next I used a toothbrush to splatter some mother of pearl paint over the whole thing and I finished it off with metallic blue circles which I applied with a round sponge.
The painting process of these three paintings overlapped each other.  I will be showing them all at the Vicksburg Gallery.

I am now working on a stool that I will use in my kitchen.  I have out of town company coming this weekend and hope to have it done before they arrive.  Look for a photo of it in an upcoming post.

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