Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Samantha's Costume

Why haven't I posted something in the past 10 days?  It is because I haven't picked up a brush in that time.  Instead I was chained to my sewing machine.
What was my sewing project?  It is something I did for our grand-daughter Samantha from NM.  She contacted me awhile back and asked if I would help her make a costume and we decided the best way for me to do that was for her to come here and we would work on it together so I would get it right. The costume is her favorite character Robin, from the video game Fire Emblem : Awakening.
This is Robin and below are sketches and directions that Samantha drew to help me make the costume.
It took four trips to two different fabric stores plus a trip to a thrift shop to get everything we needed and many hours of thinking it through and actual sewing and gluing and painting but it was worth every minute.  Sam knew every detail of the costume and did much of the work herself while I did most of the machine sewing.  Here is the results of all our hard work.
I was great working with Samantha. The costume met all expectations!

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